Meeting called to order at 10:05 at Evergreen Music School
Present: Andrea Rackl, Lorraine Earle, Eva Sauve, Rabia Magnusson, Debra Chang, Mary Walby, Vanessa Ellis, Jon Mutchler (presenting). Nancy Heyer memorial scholarship: Mary Walby has offered to head this up. She will research how we have awarded scholarships in the past, work with Doug and send a draft to the board for approval. This may include creating chapter events to raise funds, depending on the level of interest. WWU student outreach: Dorie will visit a pedagogy class in January. We will offer students a year of free membership if they join our chapter. Upcoming workshop: Eva has flyers to post; Katie will present the Feldenkrais method on Jan. 7, with invitations to the Lynden chapter and Skagit teachers. Upcoming meetings: Samantha Sinai will present in January. Rabia offers her home for the April meeting. Committees with no chair and therefore no activity this year: Student recitals, collegiate liaison, community outreach, chamber music master class. Lorraine is playing Dec. 19, 3 pm at the Firehouse Happy Hour concert. Andrea announces the Dec. 3 and 4 house concerts featuring Kay and a violinist and Jan. 28 with Andrea and chamber musicians, “The Love Triangle”. Lorraine and Andrea present a demonstration of level 2 Music Olympics tests. Meeting adjourned at approximately 10:40. Respectfully submitted by Secretary Lorraine Earle Meeting called to order at 8:34
Present: Andrea Rackl, Eva Sauve, Dorie Guidon, Lorraine Earle, Michael Hannon *Milica is looking for someone to talk to her studio class (Tuesday between 4 and 6) about MTNA. Dorie is willing to make the visit and will contact her. She will ask at the next chapter meeting for input from younger members to take with her. We won’t do a regular newsletter in December but rather a brief reminder to the chapter about deadlines and important dates. *Eva has Jan. 7 date set for workshop at the Grace center and will send info to Dorie for newsletter Andrea mentions inviting the Lynden chapter and asking Joanna Zagelow to connect with the former Skagit chapter members (Eva will do this??) *Dorie is working on getting Master Class info from Kim *Andrea asks if Michael can update the website to reflect the upcoming meeting date *Andrea also suggests adding a history page under the “more” tab and the possibility of including old documents Michael will follow up and then get the next step/info from Andrea *Andrea asks for chapter help in administering the Nancy Heyer scholarship fund Dorie suggests that former guidelines can be used. Andrea will ask Mary Walby if she would take them on. *Michael will send Andrea the contact info for the generous donors so that she can send the thank you cards *Dorie asks about the (30) chapter chairs – Bham House Concerts needs chairs so Andrea will follow up with her about this *Eva will remind our presenter where/when to go for the November meeting |