January 16, 2025
Meeting called to order at 9:36 by Andrea Present: Andrea Rackl, Eva Sauve, Nathan Campbell, Vanessa Ellis, Rabia Magnusson, Debra Chang, Spencer Rank, Dorie Blue, Michael Hannon, Kaitlyn Ronstadt Treasurer’s Report: Checking: $4,263.26 Savings: $6,665.17 (Includes Nancy Heyer Scholarship) November General Meeting Minutes Approved: Debra moves, Dorie seconds Workshop:
DIPS Discussion: Andrea proposes the question, “How much do we involve ourselves in our students lives outside of lessons?” DIPS Discussion concludes at 10:20am Program: “The Taubman Technique/Spotlight on Fingering”
Submitted Respectfully by Nathan Campbell November 21, 2024
Present: Andrea Rackl, Eva Sauve, Vanessa Ellis, Nathan Campbell, Bo Bestvina, Debra Chang, Spencer Rank, Lenelle Morse Meeting called to order at 9:45am by Andrea Upcoming Events: - December 12 – Next Chapter Meeting (Potluck) - January 11 – Piano Masterclass (Watch for registration email!) - January 15 – MAP registration deadline - January 16 – Chapter Meeting Workshop: - Got Cancelled - Will potentially be rescheduled - Eva will check with the presenter and the venue about possible dates in January/February October General Meeting Minutes Approved: - Spencer moves, Vanessa seconds Announcements: - BCM Society is holding an event for kids - Bo is looking for a few guitar/ukulele students - “Into the Dark” house concert by Andrea has added an extra date (Dec 6) - Vox Pacifica Concert Sat Dec. 7 at First Congregational Church Business Portion of meeting concludes at 10:03 am DIPS Discussion concludes at 10:28 am Presentation on Collaborating with String Players and Music Theory Websites by Lenelle Morse Submitted respectfully by Nathan Campbell November 7, 2024
Present: Andrea Rackl, Dorie Blue, Nathan Campbell, Eva Sauve, Kaitlyn Ronstadt Meeting called to order at 8:33 am by Andrea Honors Recital: - This year Western is asking for a $300 cleaning fee to use Concert Hall Options:
- $165 in fees collected (profit of $58.04) - $280 raised for the Nancy Heyer Scholarship fund Next Year: - Consider starting at 1:00pm instead - Delegate tasks to participating teachers - Continue with Raffle and promote it more before the recital - Consider intermission for future recitals October Board Meeting Minutes Approved: - Dorie moves to approve - Andrea seconds Meeting Concludes at 8:53 am Submitted respectfully by Nathan Campbell October 17, 2024
Present: Andrea Rackl, Eva Sauve, Michael Hannon, Nathan Campbell, Vanessa Ellis, Rabia Magnusson, Debra Chang, Dorie Blue, Kirra Miller (visiting) Meeting Called to Order at 9:38 by Adrea November General Meeting: - Lenelle Morse presents, "Collaboration Ideas for String and Piano Students;" and bonus tips on Lenelle's favorite theory apps. December Potluck: - Held December 12 - Michael will change the date on the website Pedagogy Class at Western needs student volunteers: - Eva will send an email with information Teacher Enrichment Fund: - Available to Teachers Sonatina/Sonata Festival: - 34 participants - Better directions needed for students to navigate PAC at Western - Maybe have a second sheet for comments? Halloween Recital: - Rabia will send a reminder and depending on the number of registered students, there is the potential to open it up for teachers to register more than five students Workshop: - 11 registered which is enough for this event to happen! - Potential for a potluck for the lunch hour Treasurer’s Report: Checking - $5,422.90 Savings - $6,656.80 (Includes Nancy Heyer Scholarship fund) - Michael will post the approved budget in the member section of website September General Meeting Minutes Approved: - Rabia moves, Eva Seconds Business Portion of the Meeting Concludes at 10:00am Discussion: DIPS Presentation: Kirra Miller - WSMTA Offerings - Certification October 3, 2024
Present: Andrea Rackl, Michael Hannon, Eva Sauve, Kaitlyn Ronstadt, Nathan Campbell Meeting Called to order at 9:03 by Andrea September Board Meeting Minutes Approved: - Michael Move, Eva Seconds Budget Discussion: - Need updated approval form for the Sonata/Sonatina Festival to complete budget - Approval will be done via email Workshop Discussion: - 7-8 members have already registered - Close to having enough registered for the Jody Graves Workshop to happen in November Membership Discussion: - Chapter has 28 members including one new member - Michael will email out the contact sheet to everyone Meeting concludes at 9:17 am September 19, 2024
Meeting called to order at 9:44am by Andrea. Present: Andrea Rackl, Eva Sauve, Michael Hannon, Nathan Campbell, Vanessa Ellis, Rabia Magnusson, Debra Chang, Spencer Rank, Barbara Borries, August Giaccaglia, Beverly Program Overview for the year: - Double check December Potluck date - December 19? December 12? - Andrea will check with Judy - All programs for the General Meeting are posted on the website Workshop: - Saturday, November 9 - Jody Graves leads an Artist Retreat - Early bird rate of $60 for member until 10/12 after which the rate increases to $70 Sonatina/Sonata Festival: - Saturday, October 12 - Registration Deadline is October 1 Halloween Recital: - Saturday, October 26 - Registration Deadline is October 18 - Raffle for Nancy Heyer Scholarship Fund Chapter Competition: - Chapter is considering making competition open to other instruments. May General Metting Minutes Approved: Andrea moves to approve, Debra seconds. Nancy Heyer Scholarship Fund: - This fund is available to student’s taking lessons with a BMTA teacher to help cover the cost of lessons. - First applicant for receiving monthly assistance is approved. Treasurer’s Report: Checking: $4,397.01 Savings: $6,648.44 (includes the Nancy Heyer Scholarship Fund) Reinstated Teacher Enrichment Fund: - This fund needs a form. Andrea will post on website. Sugar Big Top Performance: - Cabaret October 10-12 7:30pm at the New Prospect Theatre Business portion of Meeting concludes at 10:32am Program: Conducting Interviews with Potential Students - Discussion led by Andrea September 5, 2024
Meeting called to order at 8:32am. Present: Andrea Rackl, Michael Hannon, Nathan Campbell, Eva Sauve, Kaitlyn Ronstadt, Dorie Blue Nancy Heyer Scholarship: The first family approved for a scholarship will receive $50 a month for tuition. Board Approval Forms: Map: Needs correction for estimated income Music Olympics: Approved
Meeting Adjourned at 9:30am Submitted respectfully by Nathan Campbell June 13, 2024
Meeting called to order at 9:52 am. Present: Andrea Rackl, Michael Hannon, Dorie Blue, Nathan Campbell, Eva Sauve, Kaitlyn Ronstadt, Barbara Borris Sonata/Sonatina Festival: - Board approves Kay’s proposal Budget: - Need to make sure budget for each event breaks even without relying on donations - Nancy Heyer Scholarship - Open to Adult students on a case-by-case basis - BMTA reserves the right to walk back on this opportunity if it gets abused. - Dorie moves to raise the budget to $250 for state representatives, Board approves Discussion of what to do with extra money: - Keep half of expected expenses in savings - $5,000 in expected expenses, $2,500-$3,000 in savings - Proposed Teacher Development Fund - Limit to $100 per person per event - $500 annual budget - Participation requirement - Andrea moves, Dorie Seconds, Board approves addition to budget Music Olympics Discussion: - Keep registration fees at $15, and roll income beyond budget into Teacher Development Fund Masterclass Expenses Discussion: - Subsidize with Nancy Heyer Fund Programming Discussion: - Chamber Music for kids - Certification - Teaching Adults - Group Classes - Judy - Health - Business side of running a music studio Meeting concludes at 11:00am Submitted respectfully by Nathan Campbell May 16, 2024
Meeting: Potluck at the home of Kay Zavislak. Began at 10:00am. Present: Andrea Rackl, Eva Sauve, Dorie Blue, Nathan Campbell, Debra Chang, Kay Zavislak, Kim Bowman Vote for Board Members - Vote is unanimous to keep the current board members on for next year. Discussion of potential new performance opportunity for Students: Sonata/Sonatina Festival - Kay offers to organize - October 12, 2024 - potential date to hold festival - Written adjudication for participating students - Open to Bellingham, Lynden, Skagit, and Whidby Island chapters. Business portion of Meeting concludes at 11:05am April 18, 2024
Meeting called to order at 10:05 am by Andrea. Present: Andrea Rackl, Eva Sauve, Michael Hannon, Nathan Campbell, Vanessa Ellis, Rabia Magnusson, Debra Chang, Spencer Rank, Bo Bestvina, Kaitlyn Ronstadt, Dorie Blue, Gabriel Manalac, Barbara Borries, August G., Issac The current Board Members have agreed to stay on for next year. - The vote to approve will occur at the May General Meeting. - Andrea extends an invitation for other members to join the board either as an additional Member at Large or to run against the current board members. - Members are encouraged to think about joining one of the many committees for the next year. Membership Renewal: Members are encouraged to renew membership by the end of June. Treasurer’s Report: Checking: $4,842.62 Savings: $6,640.00 (includes the Nancy Heyer Scholarship Fund) March General Metting Minutes Approved: Andrea moves to approve, Gabriel seconds. Nancy Heyer Scholarship Fund:
- If you are interested and/or have ideas, contact Bo. Music Olympics: - Discussion of facilitator guidelines Business portion of Meeting concludes at 10:40am Program: Beginning Improvisation Presentation by Andrea Program: Teaching beginning note reading Presentation by Barbara |
January 2025
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