Meeting called to order at 10:12 Present: Andrea Rackl, Dorie Guidon, Rabia Magnusson, Mary Walby, Spencer Rank, Debra Chang, Vanessa Ellis, Catherine Peterson (virtual), Eva Sauve, Wade Dingman, Lorraine Earle Dorie will include Spencer’s and Wade’s contact info in the newsletter as teachers accepting new students Minutes from January meeting: Dorie moves, Rabia approves Treasurer’s Report Checking: $4398.01 (this doesn’t include the scholarship fund) Savings: $1348.95 Scholarship Fund: $4445 There will be no general meeting in March *Honors Recital date? Andrea will ask Milica and Kay and Dorie will make sure it’s in the March newsletter April meeting will be at Rabia’s and we will bring games to share The Master Class got good reviews from participating teachers Piano competition: email notification just came out Signup sheet is passed around for Music Olympics – teachers needed for testing, room monitoring and cookies Piano Guild: Mary is organizing this event taking place in May at Christ the Servant *Rabia passes out a list of terms from new research on the brain - Andrea will make this available to the chapter Meeting adjourned at 11:00 Respectfully submitted by Lorraine Earle Present: Andrea Rackl, Dorie Guidon, Michael Hannon, Kaitlyn Ronstadt, David Zagelow, Eva Sauve, Lorraine Earle Treasurer’s report: $8,113.00 in checking with an additional $700 Master Class payment to deposit; $1,348.00 in savings The Heyer Scholarship fund has $4,445.00 2 ads have been removed from the website: Fandrich is out of business and Bellingham Music has not paid *Michael is planning to set up for all chapter fees to be paid through the website next year Minutes from last board meeting: Dorie moves to approve and Michael seconds *Andrea will send the board’s recommendations for the Heyer scholarship to Mary Walby Board approval form for piano competition: *Andrea will ask that we offer the judge $80 per hour without specifying how many hours and also that the mileage compensation is clarified on contract Dorie had a great visit with the WWU pedagogy class of 15 students and Jeff, Milica and Kay *Lorraine will follow up with Milica on names of potential college students helpers for Music Olympics There are an estimated 50 students for MLP *Michael asks for minutes from last general meeting Our current system is that the secretary sends minutes to La Pres to look over and she sends them over to Michael to upload to the website *Dorie will send a general meeting reminder to the chapter 1 week ahead, mention that the minutes from the last meeting are on the website and pull out details from the newsletter to encourage members to attend the meeting Dorie reminds us that the Bellonian goes out by the 10th of the month and the deadline submission deadline is the 5th of the month *Lorraine will bring snacks to the general meeting at Dorie’s *Andrea will notify members that there will be coffee and snacks available Repectfully submitted by Lorraine Earle |