Meeting called to order at 10:05 at Evergreen Music School
Present: Andrea Rackl, Lorraine Earle, Eva Sauve, Rabia Magnusson, Debra Chang, Mary Walby, Vanessa Ellis, Jon Mutchler (presenting). Nancy Heyer memorial scholarship: Mary Walby has offered to head this up. She will research how we have awarded scholarships in the past, work with Doug and send a draft to the board for approval. This may include creating chapter events to raise funds, depending on the level of interest. WWU student outreach: Dorie will visit a pedagogy class in January. We will offer students a year of free membership if they join our chapter. Upcoming workshop: Eva has flyers to post; Katie will present the Feldenkrais method on Jan. 7, with invitations to the Lynden chapter and Skagit teachers. Upcoming meetings: Samantha Sinai will present in January. Rabia offers her home for the April meeting. Committees with no chair and therefore no activity this year: Student recitals, collegiate liaison, community outreach, chamber music master class. Lorraine is playing Dec. 19, 3 pm at the Firehouse Happy Hour concert. Andrea announces the Dec. 3 and 4 house concerts featuring Kay and a violinist and Jan. 28 with Andrea and chamber musicians, “The Love Triangle”. Lorraine and Andrea present a demonstration of level 2 Music Olympics tests. Meeting adjourned at approximately 10:40. Respectfully submitted by Secretary Lorraine Earle Comments are closed.
January 2025
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