Meeting called to order at 8:32 am
Present: Andrea Rackl, Dorie Guidon, Michael Hannon, Kaitlyn Ronstadt, Eva Sauve, Lorraine Earle, David Zagelow *Dorie will ask our younger members what they would like to share with current college students when she introduces our chapter at a WWU pedagogy class in January Nancy Heyer Scholarship: Mary Walby has taken this on and will discuss details with Doug then bring a proposal to the January board meeting Lorraine will send chapter minutes to Andrea for proofreading; Andrea will forward them to Michael to post on the website, then Andrea will send the link to members. *Dorie will post the metal chairs for sale and Lorraine suggested using the proceeds to add to the Nancy Heyer scholarship fund *Lorraine will send an email to see which teachers plan to enter students in the MLP this spring *Lorraine will ask Melanie Stroud about teachers testing their own students, what does this look like? Andrea proposed that all categories of chapter fees remain the same with this one exception: No chapter fee for students (not just WWU students). Dorie 2nd, all were in favor. Minutes from last month -Dorie approves, Kaitlyn seconds, with correction to the spelling of Milica’s name *Dorie suggests the Michael have a treasurer’s report prepared for every board meeting Michael reports that there is some income from workshop but no other changes *The chapter December potluck will be held at Judy’s home next Thursday, Andrea will send out a reminder to all Meeting adjourned at 9:03 Minutes respectfully submitted by Secretary Lorraine Earle Comments are closed.
January 2025
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