Andrea going over board positions for next year
Kaitlyn is staying on as member at large, and chair of music olympics, Eva staying on as vice president, Andrea staying on as president. Looking for secretary options. Dorie brings up how the newsletter could be updated and reformatted, and would like pass on the responsibility. In general meeting we will have a discussion about newsletter, communication and what would the best way to share information to the members moving forward. Current balance - Checking $4518 Savings $5797 (including scholarship fund which is $4445) 2 representatives from our chapter are going to the state conference to perform in the honors recital, deciding on stipend to provide them. Dorie moves that we provide $225 per state representative to attend the honors recital, Andrea seconds, all approve. Music olympics form needs more information on income and cost to be approved. Nancy Hyer scholarship will be a form on the website, will launch after April general meeting. Comments are closed.
December 2024
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