Meeting called to order at 10:01am by Andrea.
Present: Andrea Rackl, Eva Sauve, Dorie Blue, Nathan Campbell, Spencer Rank, Gabriel Manalac, Debra Chang, Barbara Borries, Mary Walby October General Meeting Minutes Approved: Barbara moves to approve minutes, Dorie seconds. Treasures Report: Coffers are full. Halloween recital discussion:
Program: Mary Walby speaks about the Piano Guild and what the guild has to offer teachers and students. Program: Lorraine Earle speaks about strategies for preparing students for Music Olympics. Respectfully submitted by Nathan Campbell November 2, 2023
Meeting called to order at 8:32am. Present: Andrea Rackl, Michael Hannon, Dorie Blue, Nathan Campbell Halloween Recital: • $850.15 in profit • Too long without intermission • Need Volunteer at door to let people in and out. Minutes from October Board Meeting approved. Website: • Permission for secretary to post minutes as blog post • Members only section ◦ Password protected pages ◦ Full contact list of members ◦ Calendar/Event postings ◦ Metting Minutes ◦ Budget ◦ Speaker Handouts • Andrea will create page of Event Descriptions • Dorie will send Andrea current descriptions of events that she has written • Dorie will research what other organizations put on their members only pages • Michael needs all relevant information regarding members only pages by the end of November 20th Member list: Discussion of what to do with it. • Send out to members • Should it be a word or excel document? Meeting Adjourned at 8:55am Submitted respectfully by Nathan Campbell October 2023 General Meeting Minutes
October 19, 2023 Meeting called to order at 10:06am by Andrea. Present: Andrea Rackl, Michael Hannon, Eva Sauve, Dorie Guidon, Nathan Campbell, Vanessa Ellis, Rabia Magnusson, Spencer Rank, David Zagelow, Gabriel Manalac, Catherine Peterson September General Meeting Minutes Approved: Dorie moves to approve minutes, Michael seconds. Treasures Report: Checking: $3,830 Savings: $5,812 Halloween recital discussion:
- Alexander Technique led by Lisa Toner. November 18, 2023 from 2:30-4:30pm at the Grace Center - Invite Students, WWU Community and the Lynden and Skagit Chapters Meeting adjourned at 10:28am Program: Brian Sibley spoke about how to discern our unique purposes and how to articulate them to prospective students. Respectfully submitted by Nathan Campbell Meeting cancelled. Business taken care of through email.
Minutes from September Board Meeting unanimously approved. Treasures report: Checking: $3,725.07 Savings: $5,812.05 We've received payments from all the renewing advertisers except for Bagelry and Bellinghome. Rabia is following up with them. Membership count is at 26. Submitted respectfully by Nathan Campbell September 2023 General Meeting Minutes
September 21, 2023 Meeting called to order at 10:23 by Andrea Present: Andrea Rackl, Michael Hannon, Eva Sauve, Dorie Guidon, Kaitlyn Ronstadt, Nathan Campbell, Vanessa Ellis, Rabia Magnusson, Debra Chang, Spencer Rank, Chad Nuckles-Flinn, Karen Nuckles-Flinn Description of BMTA, WSMTA, and MTNA offerings. - Chapter Meetings (Once a month throughout the school year. Opportunity to connect with local teachers and discus business) - District Conference (October 7th, at Marysville Methodist Church (9:00am-5:00pm) Mind, Body Soul in the conference theme - WSMTA (Offers Conferences) - MTNA (Offers Conferences and provides support and resources to music teachers) - Chapter Recitals - October 29th at 3:00pm: Halloween Scholarship Benefit - February 3rd at 3:00pm: Register online by 1/27 - Scholarships - Senior Awards - Keyboard Music Artistry Program (MAP) - Honors Recital - Chapter Piano Competition - Music Olympics (WSMTA’s Music Literacy Program) - Masterclasses - Workshops - October 29th Lisa Toner: Alexander Techniques Get up, Get Exploring: Information distributed on MTNA and the WSMTA The April 2023 General Meeting Minutes were approved. Reminder that all committee members should put all relevant information on the website and send out timely email reminders. Halloween recital discussion: QR code should be added to program for easy donation. 2:30 is check-in. Recital starts at 3 pm. Deadline to register students in 10/22 Discussion time - expectations/instructions around practicing Meeting adjourned at 12:02 pm September 7, 2023
Meeting called to order at 8:30am by Andrea. Present: Andrea Rackl, Michael Hannon, Eva Sauve, Dorie Blue, Kaitlyn Ronstadt, Nathan Campbell Minutes reviewed from April 6th Board Meeting. Dorie moves to pass, Kaitlyn seconds. Meeting Programs: Eva discusses possible programs for monthly meetings. - September is the only one set for the year. - October and November need programs. - Possible topics for programs include: - Alexander Technique - Music Olympics - Female Composers - How to make lessons inspiring - Discussion on whether to offer Brian and Lisa a stipend for presenting a program. - Possibly $50 Masterclass: Discussion on Kim’s proposal for the masterclass and decided $150/hr is too much - It was decided to ask her to find someone who will do it for around $100/hr Chapter Committees: Andrea confirms the selection of chairs for each committee. Treasurers Report: Michael presents an overview of the proposed budget. - Lost one Advertiser - Master Class budget increased - No more yearbooks - WSMTA Basket removed from budget - Forgot to place out a collection basket for donations at the last Honor’s Recital - Move $100 from Publicity to Website Halloween Recital: Rabia joins meeting to discuss Halloween recital acting as a benefit concert for the Nancy Heyer Fund. - Possibility of a few teachers performing as a way to encourage donations - Rabia will poll teachers to gage interest, both for students and teachers - Teachers will register students Workshop: Eva discusses workshop ideas. - “Self-Care for Pianists” to be booked for next fall Vote on Proposed Budget: Andrea leads vote to pass the proposed budget of $5,177.00 of both income and expenses. - Budget is passed unanimously Meeting concludes at 9:32am Submitted respectfully by Nathan Campbell Meeting called to order by Andrea.
Present: Dorie Guidon, Barbara Borries, Andrea Rackl, Debra Chang, Eva Sauve, Rabia Magnusson, Vanessa Ellis, Nathan Campbell. Guests: Wade Dingman and Spencer Minutes from March meeting are approved Nancy Heyer Scholarship Fund: The forms for both teacher and student requesting funds are updated and on the website. There are two grants available. One for tuition assistance and the other for one-time approved expense i.e. piano tuning. Membership: Time to renew or join MTNA Newsletter: Dorie would like to retire from doing the newsletter. There was discussion on different options to shift to unless someone else would like to take it over doing one. It was suggested that the website be used more extensively and that we look into paying for a members-only section. Andrea will contact the executive manager at WSMTA to ask about security issues. Music Olympics: Happening this Saturday. Discussion on the importance of the program for students. Chapter Scholarship Basket: Please remember to donate an item or monies for our chapter basket for the state conference. Items should be given to Rabia. There is also a separate wine bottle fund raiser that donations are being asked for Dorie will transport the basket and other items to Winthrop. Andrea led the program on sharing games. Respectfully submitted by Dorie Guidon for Lorraine Earle Andrea going over board positions for next year
Kaitlyn is staying on as member at large, and chair of music olympics, Eva staying on as vice president, Andrea staying on as president. Looking for secretary options. Dorie brings up how the newsletter could be updated and reformatted, and would like pass on the responsibility. In general meeting we will have a discussion about newsletter, communication and what would the best way to share information to the members moving forward. Current balance - Checking $4518 Savings $5797 (including scholarship fund which is $4445) 2 representatives from our chapter are going to the state conference to perform in the honors recital, deciding on stipend to provide them. Dorie moves that we provide $225 per state representative to attend the honors recital, Andrea seconds, all approve. Music olympics form needs more information on income and cost to be approved. Nancy Hyer scholarship will be a form on the website, will launch after April general meeting. Dorrie moves to pass minutes from the last meeting. David seconds.
Treasurer report - nothing new since last time. MAP is happening this weekend. Wrote a check for piano tuning. Checking account includes the scholarship fund ($4445) Checking balance - $8919 Savings Balance - $1348 Senior award applicants presented, both approved. Andrea will let Vanessa know they are approved, and Vanessa will prepare awards. Reviewed Nancy Heyer Grant application. How to verify income - Last year's tax return. But it should be very secure, only one or two people. We will account for how large the household is and what their annual income is. Maybe Mary (the chair of the committee) could be the person to review the financials? Michael suggests that it should be someone on the board to grant extra accountability. Dorrie suggests we might not need a chairperson after this year. It is decided that the treasurer should be one of the people who reviews financials, as well as the president. (Michael and Andrea) After a couple times they will review the process with the board. Report from workshop reviewed. Overall a success with enough participants to create a profit. Meeting called to order at 10:12 Present: Andrea Rackl, Dorie Guidon, Rabia Magnusson, Mary Walby, Spencer Rank, Debra Chang, Vanessa Ellis, Catherine Peterson (virtual), Eva Sauve, Wade Dingman, Lorraine Earle Dorie will include Spencer’s and Wade’s contact info in the newsletter as teachers accepting new students Minutes from January meeting: Dorie moves, Rabia approves Treasurer’s Report Checking: $4398.01 (this doesn’t include the scholarship fund) Savings: $1348.95 Scholarship Fund: $4445 There will be no general meeting in March *Honors Recital date? Andrea will ask Milica and Kay and Dorie will make sure it’s in the March newsletter April meeting will be at Rabia’s and we will bring games to share The Master Class got good reviews from participating teachers Piano competition: email notification just came out Signup sheet is passed around for Music Olympics – teachers needed for testing, room monitoring and cookies Piano Guild: Mary is organizing this event taking place in May at Christ the Servant *Rabia passes out a list of terms from new research on the brain - Andrea will make this available to the chapter Meeting adjourned at 11:00 Respectfully submitted by Lorraine Earle |