October 17, 2024
Present: Andrea Rackl, Eva Sauve, Michael Hannon, Nathan Campbell, Vanessa Ellis, Rabia Magnusson, Debra Chang, Dorie Blue, Kirra Miller (visiting) Meeting Called to Order at 9:38 by Adrea November General Meeting: - Lenelle Morse presents, "Collaboration Ideas for String and Piano Students;" and bonus tips on Lenelle's favorite theory apps. December Potluck: - Held December 12 - Michael will change the date on the website Pedagogy Class at Western needs student volunteers: - Eva will send an email with information Teacher Enrichment Fund: - Available to Teachers Sonatina/Sonata Festival: - 34 participants - Better directions needed for students to navigate PAC at Western - Maybe have a second sheet for comments? Halloween Recital: - Rabia will send a reminder and depending on the number of registered students, there is the potential to open it up for teachers to register more than five students Workshop: - 11 registered which is enough for this event to happen! - Potential for a potluck for the lunch hour Treasurer’s Report: Checking - $5,422.90 Savings - $6,656.80 (Includes Nancy Heyer Scholarship fund) - Michael will post the approved budget in the member section of website September General Meeting Minutes Approved: - Rabia moves, Eva Seconds Business Portion of the Meeting Concludes at 10:00am Discussion: DIPS Presentation: Kirra Miller - WSMTA Offerings - Certification Comments are closed.
January 2025
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